Sunday, January 30, 2011

How To Build A Homemade Sled

nude = Undressed

In Naturism is therefore that we physically non-concentrated nature experience. If you look around at the alleged nude pictures, you always discover Fußtextile. Who has shoes, a shirt or anything else on is not naked, although the genitalia are exposed. Barefoot in shorts only wear less clothing than I a wanderer with thick socks and hiking boots. Where is the discussion of physical freedom to express without limiting it to certain parts of the body, it distorts the real issue of naturism. I do not want (although I also represent a clear point of view) going on about Nacktwandererr. Gravel and other injuries are traceable arguments to be put on hiking nude at least part of the journey shoes. Similarly, a sunburn on the back of his reason to pull a shirt. Clothed only you can not do naked. A barefoot runner feels the ground on which it runs. Thus the Naturism is more natural than a "naked hiker in thick shoes. I am not about moral values, but about what should be Naturism, which I find Naturist: Naturfühlung and physical freedom. If we want to distance themselves from misunderstandings, we must also make clear this intention. Erotic pictures with provocative clothing - too often because I find ladies fashion boots - are the opposite of naturism, which exempts from this fashion show and the "Clothes make the man". (Such images should be immediately deleted nudist galleries). Now it is harder for a shod hikers, of course, to distance themselves from such images as for barefoot runners. The criterion of complete nudity would be much easier. I mean, that should even be considered on nudist beaches. Mandatory nudity is not limited to genital freedom. In textiles, I feel much more comfortable than with string straps. The intention is crucial, not the exposure.

Gottschee Genealogy Eppich

child naked in the Garden: Tabu

This was in a magazine under the heading: Readers ask experts answer

"expert" is a sociologist and sex counselor and author of numerous Ratings Prof. Kurt called Strong

Readers Question: In the heat of summer is our eight year old daughter danced naked in the garden
. The neighbor found the unseemly and felt harassed.

response strength: When it comes to children and to nudity, ring the alarm bells.
The sensitivity has recently become considerably larger. The
Public discourse on child abuse has contributed his part,
also the thesis of the sexual delinquency of the youth and the
Internet porn debate. Sexualized nudity is fast, and if someone
Kinderblöβe and Sex rhymes together, he feels an uneasiness.
On the one hand, although there are a lot of sexualised nudity in public
room. On the other hand, the nudity taboo has increased.
pull her daughter just a bathing suit or at least a
panties without much trouble, even if you have found so far on the free
romp nothing.

This may not be true. Because the nudity of a sexualized and eight-year-naked children in the garden of child abuse blamed.
This "expert" but actually advises the parents to her child, without much ceremony, put on a bathing suit, just because a total uptight neighbor at the sight of a naked eight year old girl in the garden interfere. With 12 then comes the burqa, without much fuss. At 14, the clitoris is cut away without much fuss. Taliban guards and customs in Germany, even with an academic title. Well, bravo!

was the end, then:
Need expert advice? Then write us!
have hoped that the magazines in the experts who know how such "experts" puts the craft.

necked greetings


Friday, January 28, 2011

Pc Dream Dollhouse Game

rehab update

Finally something new from us! The last days were very exhausting, because both dwarves had ne Lyphdrüsenentzündung. Thanks to antibiotics, it is now back and Tamino's neck does not look like he had swallowed NEN Golf Ball!

Therefore, there are now some photos.

The first photos were from the beginning!

Finally nap. Tamino so stingy here pretty :-(

All the snow was gone ...
... and AGAIN! Last weekend Grandma and Grandpa visit!
Well, son, today runs alone! Oh, the photo was one days later, when the previous one. Note the difference at the snow fence hunter * laugh *
So, for my treasure home! It looked yesterday! So tomorrow morning, driving carefully!
Tamino, the builder!

And here sleeping on the floor, just a few minutes!

Samira highly concentrated!

And now directly to rehab! Samira makes small but nice progress! I think they will take in any case much of the fine motor skills.

Here are some of their homework!

alone painted!
self-portrait with a lot of manual management ;-)
Even with manual guidance!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Nadine Jansen Weights Gain

two nude hikes in May and June

As announced recently, I will now provide 2 nude hikes in the blog "Naked Liberty". Promoter and organizer of the two walks is not me, but Tanya from nudist book. I have received from Tanya permission to make two hikes in this blog Rechtschreibung überprüfen to .
first Naked hike: at 14.5. 2011, close to 35 713 stone bridges (Eschenburg), planned as a day hike of about 18-20 km in length. Meeting place, time and route I present here is pure, if this data was established.
second Naked walk: on 06.26.2011, near 35 236 upper Dieten , planned as a half-day hike with about 15-16 km in length. Meeting place, time and route I present here is pure, if this data was established.
If anyone would like to join us, then please put in comment on this article in the blog. I give this information then on to Tanya so she knows about , who and how many participants are involved in the hike.
Now I wish you a nice week
NG 's

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Treatment Of Thumb Spurs

Is nudity a reason to be ashamed?

shame refers to the fearful consciousness, a valid standard or expectations of having violated other so that one would lose their respect for it were made public. A typical example of a sense of shame is the perceived nudity, thus falling below a minimum level of physical coverage. (Wikipedia)

This minimum limit is now certainly on the situation where you are. Thus it is in the sauna or shower, of course, that one is naked. Nudist friends find it just as natural that while swimming, sunbathing, sports and games on the beach all clothes are inappropriate. That leaves
noted that the naked body is not in itself a cause for shame. How could he! He is a gift of nature, or, according to another view, the creation of God or Allah in his own image.

noteworthy in this connection are the words of Pope John Paul II for nudity, "As one created by God, the human body can remain nude and uncovered and preserve it intact its splendor and dignity. Nakedness as such should not be equated with physical shamelessness. "

Being ashamed of his nakedness one must, therefore, only if the Nudity in a situation occurs that is not appropriate for nudity's. This is certainly in many everyday situations in public and workplace, school, church, shopping, strolling, restaurant, theater or museums of the case - so far is general agreement prevail.
But are there really such a great, general agreement? In fact, shame is a very individual matter. A matter for which one is ashamed, for others a matter of course and therefore shame totally inappropriate. The reason is that shame is always learned. There is no general rule, for which we are ashamed what is not.
go why the opinions, what situations are appropriate for nudity and what's not very far apart:
If I like naked at home - is it appropriate to go naked to the door when it rings?
Is it right that I should mow lawn nude or window cleaning? Or sweep the sidewalk or pluck weeds?
as it is appropriate, naked on the patio or balcony or in the garden to bask, even if the place is easy to understand?
Is it appropriate in the park, lay naked on the lawn and bask?
Is it appropriate to jump naked into a river to cool off?
Is it appropriate to be naked hiking, jogging or running other sports in nature?

These are all activities that are regarded by many naturists as "suitable for being naked." Others will have no sympathy and say, "You should be ashamed!".

has been proven for sure is that there is not an innate "natural modesty". Shame is always instilled, ie the situations where you should be ashamed of themselves (according to social conventions), only learned. What is innate in every human being is merely the ability to feel ashamed at all. What he should be ashamed of, he must but learn.

The learning process, to be ashamed of for its nudity begins, but already in early childhood, when parents suddenly, after about 3-4 years, can think of to put their children on the beach bathing suit and tell them that it indecent, walk around naked.
As you can see at one time four-year girls who wear bikini tops. As if there were to hide something.
One wonders however, in what a sick world we live.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Baby Drank Lighter Fluid

naked bowling in Potsdam

an hour ago I'm from Nude-bowling in Potsdam come home. It was really beautiful, we have six 2 hours bowled .

In October we had done this before. And before that I 30 years earlier, but then tightened.

It's just a wonderful feeling without clothes bowling or to move. We have made the 2 hours and 4 games as in the H inherit I needed until I was 1.5 games recorded and then I'm really in our little group of three have taken the first place ... that is ultimately but not so important ... the bare G efühl of freedom was so great, this unique Unencumbered awareness as me so no clothes in my B ewegung limits. We hats all Sun liked that I've done the same for March, a new date. I ... Will you ask .... it is my event in nudist book that I organize. If any of the other esteemed authors of "Naked Liberty" feel like to participate, you just contact me.

I was still a participant brought up we were at a train station in Berlin. I then stepped into the car and drove up to me. And as for me it was perfectly ok . then K leidung to have . wishes
A beautiful, naked weekend

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Can You Get Braces If You Are Missing Your Molars

For finite run flood ...

Hi @ all, it is again

long ago that I last reported, first of all a happy new year to all readers here ...

After caustic Hardcore December with the total here unusual snow and the subsequent flooding during the thaw, there was little chance of decent fishing.

Here are some pictures of the sheath around here in Löhnberg at the peak of the flood, there is usually a large lock island even the military is not a low ...

is now the flood to a "normal level" decreased and the conditions for catching perch ordinary seemed to be ideal. Since the
also coincided with my free long weekend, gave me this morning, nothing at home, I needed to get water.
Even the timid new onset of winter could not deter me, here's a picture of the trip to the fishing spot ...

Arriving at the high-water perch hotspot was, fortunately, see nothing of snow. At 11, the first clock bait flew into the water and found a buyer shortly. Was not the target fish, but finally the first in 2011 and so I was pleased me almost a wolf ... :)

an hour later I was caught at the bait Anjiggen (older HS-shader) and I was convinced to have a trailer. When he suddenly swam against the tide and pulled me even tidy line from the reel, I cursed myself for having not set a reasonable stop.
ensued a fierce tug of war, I tried on many occasions, to a standing in the water Bush to escape. Between Duch always fierce headbutt, which indicated a regular target fish out.

After a few minutes, but that seemed like an eternity, finally appeared a stately perch on the surface. The landing was whether the high and steep banks once again not easy, but eventually the bars closed around the magnificent fish.
on the banks above the hook had long been separated from the bony mouth, again had a pig ... :)

Here is a left hand view of the impact Brumme, the self-timer image I can show, unfortunately, not because it's totally become blurred, for whatever reason ...

Total happy I went home shortly afterwards, guess where I am to find the next day ... ;)

I should in the coming days that start, and you will surely be able to read about it here,

until then I remain with best regards, your


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Warts On My Lower Stomach What Are They

My own nakedness in my apartment

In my own home I am very happy naked, according to the J ahreszeit more or less. In the summer I walk around almost naked, only, less in winter, because I then heating costs but a bisserl are too high. Normal household activities such as sucking, cooking, cleaning or do I just love when I get naked and it might even begin to sweat and clothing perhaps still wearing .... na down with the clothes , why the sweat in the clothes .... there can be but everything in the washing machine wash easily. I customize it to only do I not get one train. Outside the apartment, I'm only in joint ventures with other nudists without clothing and when it rings at my door, I been then only open naked, if anyone came, as I know, so mailman or delivery person got me so far never seen naked. But I am already naked in the group hiked in the woods, nude dance parties have visited. On this Friday I am particularly happy because I'm going to play naked with 6 or 7 other nudists Bowling, we have in Potsdam 2 bowling lanes for 2 hours hire. I'll out my digital camera and let me take the photograph Nude bowling. - I've also as Cora the feeling that we are and "Naked Liberty" on the right track. Next I put a nude hike, probably into the Lahn-Dill-Kreis here.
I wish you a good week
many NG 's

Chat Search Roulette Cam

How normal is naked? How naked is normal?

in this blog reporting naked and barefoot runner to live on their nature and the beautiful experiences while being naked and barefoot. The aim is interested be enthusiastic about this form of organization of life and are prejudices and concerns, including legislative ones removed. I think we are all there together on the right track. At least, my impression.

emphasis is always, as the nudity is normal after all. So of course, free and easy. All right! But if everything is normal, then why even make such a fuss about it? Attracted to walk around at home is indeed normal, but also there is no blog ... So is naked maybe not so normal? Well, I think it's totally normal, but unfortunately not necessarily common practice. And so it is then again something special. We do naked are always accepted as normal and stress the naturalness of the unclothed state, but society and the education of many people is still the opposite. So it is absolutely right to report on nudity without reference to sexuality and to emphasize positive aspects, right?

I've done exactly this idea in any case, when I wondered whether I should join this blog. For me, my unclothed state of normal and logical, reasonable and just totally normal. But non-nudists might misinterpret this because they equate nudity with sexuality. Therefore, it is personal for me important to confront and to the point straight and to describe how totally normal runs my life and I am particularly behave at home. Actually, totally boring and terrible normal and uninteresting, but because I'm just naked, then again it is somehow newsworthy. So: How normal is naked? Totally normal, but in many situations but quite often even unusual!
As naked as normal? One would think, naked is naked, period. But I think there is already differentiated. A naked man standing, obliquely viewed from behind, is perceived differently than from the front. The fixation on the sexual parts and their recognition, or simply non-knowability play, as surely a part. Should we, then, whether man or woman, when being naked attempt to keep his private parts hidden as possible to give the wrong impression? Sitting with legs slightly open is "even more naked," as a cross-legged, right?

What is even more naked than normal and not sexually related? Is a cramped, the genitals concealing posture normal or natural? I personally tell me if I'm naked, I am just naked. No more, no less. I behave otherwise as exactly as if I was dressed. This includes that if I was naked, some body parts of me sees that in energized state would not be visible. Whether feet, thighs, abdomen, chest, buttocks. That does not bother me and one of them. I do not have a troubled relationship with my body and I accept that is visible in naked state more than usual, depending on what I'm doing now is sometimes more, sometimes less visible. I can not and will not make me constantly think about what could now be seen just as from which position. Then I would not enjoy it anymore. I do this for me , I feel so comfortable and leave me naked by my nudity in my movements and postures not restrict.
I am restricted when I wear clothes. Because then I can often move so freely. Then perhaps I can not lift his arm as far as narrowing down the jacket or can I make any major steps because of the tight skirt not allow. Naked, I can do it all. I am now naked artificially restrict themselves just to make me never anyone-even in theory-see between the legs, would be no sense to me. Then I can stay energized. I want to enjoy my naked freedom, both physically and mentally, for moving to the feeling of free naked and at ease, is so beautiful that I would not do without.

I am trying to show images in my posts are fanning the breadth and naturalness, no matter how much or little to see here.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

How Much Antifreez To Put In Furnace

nude after night shift

Today I had to be cared for by 0:15 to 8:30 a night shift in a shelter, that is to be provided in the homeless man on N eight, dinner and F reakfast get and where sleeping will be provided. I arrived around 8:45 quite in need of rest home, my Urge to liberty and security nude was very large . Although only 19 were degrees in my apartment, I first pulled my clothes all and my first "Naked F FREEDOM" enjoyed. I asked from my e-mails , Feed te my cats and I've not read anything ... Despite 19 degree I felt my naked beautiful being easy , the coolness on my skin did me good. She gave me a blissfully G efühl F REEDOM .
I am today remained naked to 16 clock, a couple hours of sleep, a beautiful Aufwachtee, I had to get dressed, unfortunately, because I was still up 17 clock arranged to meet at an Italian restaurant for dinner. It tasted good but also with clothes, sometimes I have to hit me with a friend who has much understanding of my need for nudity and with which I may well also talking about even if it is not Nacktfan.
morning I will do something official for my little one-man company, everything I do will probably naked. I feel my nakedness just fine and I looking forward me s chon the summer because then come back so the nude activities, to which I can do outdoors. I wish
all "Naked Liberty" authors a good start to the week

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Ucla Supplemental Information Essay

treasure chest

Samira had to build my help with a treasure chest! She was allowed to color, ... and even search for what had since her course, YELLOW, her favorite color!
The box she has now taken to the treatment building and when we go home again, they may take home with them and their treasures at home ! Make purely

I have sooo many more photos I would show you love, but photography is prohibited here, unfortunately ;-) Well, I keep my secret, of course not made photos * lol *