Monday, August 31, 2009

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8: Air rescuers is an independent online magazine - it offers everything you know on climate protection : Current news and background analysis, debates and controversies, behavior tips and information on political campaigns. One thing is already clear: Climate change is coming sooner and faster and stronger than expected a few years ago - with a few energy-saving light bulbs but the world can not be saved. Founded

the portal was in the spring of 2007 by the journalist Nick Reimer (taz), Toralf Staud (TIME / Greenpeace) named it after her book "We Klimaretter. Thus, the Turning to create even more "(Kiwi). It will be clear and understandable presented projects to the German greenhouse gas emissions can be halved by 2020. The very latest news put a lot of background to the current discussion.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

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7: community level renewable

The information portal "municipal renewable" supports local decision-makers at development of renewable energy on site . Towns and municipalities play a major role in climate protection, because they have a significant influence on the use of renewable energies. Without the commitment at the local level, no climate protection goals are achieved! The

German website gives many ideas on how can go a decentralized structure of a full supply of renewable energy in Switzerland CARRIED. In Germany there are about 100 municipalities meanwhile, who has produced such a full supply already.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

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6: Solar Promotion

The Solarenergieförderverein Germany: All renewable energy are needed. particular importance of decentralized energy production: solar energy to all buildings, wind farms in all regions, particularly inland. Solar heat from solar thermal and solar photovoltaic power plants in the north of the country!

Thurs is the credo of this strong supporter of renewable energy. That as the motto "100 percent renewable energy is possible - energy revolution now!" factor is hardly surprising. The site has many informative articles, the content is missing from Swiss Web publications yet painful in any case. Therefore, the view is worth to the German solar feed-Site forever!

Monday, August 24, 2009

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No 5: Basic Income

The initiative Basic Income: An income everyone needs, no matter what he does and whether it works or not. A unconditional basic income is for the modern political form . Its financing is possible if you so choose. The basic income gives everyone a secure basis for self-determined value within the employment and well beyond.

The unconditional basic income is less reason to not do what a self is the right thing. There is an awareness stage and promotes a more open society on the amount of time. The movement for this unconditional basic income is currently fast spreading across Europe and is well documented on the national websites with basic information, events, a recent blog and helpful links. Who wants it the way, sometimes not digital: The Swiss are initiators in their very attractive cafe in Basel in the "middle companies" at the Gerbergasse 30 found.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

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4: Berne Declaration

The Berne Declaration (BD): It is the independent and politically savvy national institution for development policy. The theme she has devoted herself for more than 30 years, figures such as Regula Renschler, Anne-Marie Holeman, Rudolf Strahm, and more recently Andreas Missbach expressed her to the punch. Was it (the traditional jute bags and coffee from the Ujamaa-BD) Fair trade, the Bank initiative and today the Clean Clothes Campaign for human conditions in the textile production - was always the BD zovorderst there.

Your website makes clear quickly that the BD interpret sustainability in a balanced mind. This is where the social his place, knowing that the world is to improve not only the nature but also for the majority of its residents who have still barely the bare minimum to earn their livelihood. Tip: Press releases and events calendar of the BD-site allow a quick entry into all relevant issues. Who sees thus the issues of sustainability and globalization is closely connected, well served by the Berne Declaration.

Monday, August 17, 2009

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3: - the information portal Sustainable business and politics has a high demand : It would sustainability over climate change and renewable energies . It concerns the whole society, the whole economy and they must understand the policy. Sustainable development means that humanity evolved within the ecological limits of our planet, with a substantial part of the biosphere to the other types is left. Long-term benefits for all must replace short-term profits for a few connect.

following topics covers the site:
- Nature & Agriculture
- People & Society
- energy & carbon dioxide
- Town Planning & Building
- Materials & Products
- mobility and logistics

However, like in other cases - so far - the comprehensive claim with respect Nachahltigkeit especially in the social and regarding nuclear power is not honored . In the past two months have been just an article on the sports goods manufacturer Adidas and read about the layoffs underwear manufacturer Triumph in Thailand and the Philippines as a critical social reporting. And regarding nuclear power fell lately, especially a nuclear-friendly interview with the ETH-nuclear professor Horst-Michael Prasser on (as of 22/07/2009) . It provides the benefits of renewable energy sources do not deny that nuclear power but looks at eye level. So effectively is the website

Saturday, August 15, 2009

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2: Practical Environmental Protection

Practical Environmental Protection Switzerland: The Foundation is Practical Environmental Protection in Switzerland Pusch is promoting healthy and liveable environment . It organizes courses, seminars and environmental education in schools, published brochures and newsletters, launched days of action, provides assistance for purchasing green products and strategies designed to protect the environment of tomorrow.

The journal "issue environment" , the newsletter "New to resources, Consumption and the environment "and the French-language magazine Forum Déchets" Pusch informed about current environmental issues. Brochures and leaflets containing useful tips on environmental protection in everyday life.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

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No. 1: The sunny side

WWW.SONNENSEITE.COM is the reference page for sustainability on the Internet and is far beyond questions about solar . Operated by the German journalist Franz Alt pair Bigi and good for them daily news from all areas of sustainability.

Special: China, Tibet, religious pop up occasionally as themes - and are probably to the close relationship of Franz Alt with the Dalai Lama. News is also available in English and references to items in the electronic media complement the brilliant offer. should

Thursday, August 6, 2009

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links with content

"Better World Media" are in German-speaking THE link collection to become familiar with all the familiar initiatives to make the familiar to a (much needed) to improve the situation in the world.

With the keyword search (see top right column), it is possible to quickly search any time to a desired subject area or even a single word or name and track down the already scheduled links. On the list of labels (see also right) are important Categories of links can be controlled such as "Energy".

And here for testing, the first clue - my favorite blog - to those solar Media, the way to the solar world economy . However, it is possible for now not to upload the screenshot of solar Media - as it went again with the ppt.Dateien, but where is it?

subject to the descriptions of the links are all copyrighted better world media / Guntram Rehsche.