Thursday, December 24, 2009

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21: Ecological Economics

isw Social-Ecological Economic Research: In June 1990 critical economic and social scientists together with trade unionists in Munich isw - founded the Institute for Social-Ecological Economic Research. Since then we have published well over a hundred studies and reports .

The isw understood as economic research institute that offers an alternative to the neo-liberal "mainstream" analysis, arguments and facts for the scientific and social debate. Our research subjects and therefore refer in particular to measure the "needs" of unions and of social, environmental and peace movements. Our aim is to science in an understandable Prepare and clearly present form. Therefore, isw-elaborations also particularly suitable for teaching and training activities and as a basis for presentations and discussions.

Monday, December 7, 2009

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20: Trees for the Sahel and the World

Newtree: The Swiss NGO supports with large families, women's groups and partner organizations in the Sahel zone of Africa regeneration on wasteland areas . Trees improve the livelihoods of the rural population and allow regeneration of soil and vegetation.

From Wasteland mixed forest is: How does it work? Nature makes of himself, for the latent potential for it in the dry Ground. If only because the goats were not: you run around freely in their thousands and devour everything green. Only way to grow the young plants unmolested: Solid wire mesh fences.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

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19: Ecosia instead of Google

Ecosia gemeinnnützige is an independent website. At least 80% of the proceeds go to a rainforest conservation program of WWF, which uses the money to obtain the protection of tropical forests upright.

Ecosia is according to own statements two reasons the environmentally friendly search engine: First, the operator donate the profits to protect the rain forest. On the other run the server with green electricity. The first reason is more important than the second. Since each search saves about two square meters of rainforest, many tons of CO2 emissions can be prevented. Compared with this enormous effectiveness, the importance of environmentally sound server is rather small. Such servers bend only about two grams of CO2 emissions before.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

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18: Consumer Guide

Topten: mark since 2009 important market provider of home appliances, coffee machines and electronics the most efficient appliances with, helping the consumers to identify the most energy efficient appliances when purchasing and select. Were first to lead Migros shopping center Eltop Coop and the top ten in their range of an award.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

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17: Sources Renewable

RES LEGAL: Here is a collection and explanation of the central sources of law for the promotion and access of electricity from renewable energy sources in 27 EU Member States .

RES LEGAL aimed at decision makers interested in politics, government, associations, companies and academia. With RES LEGAL You can explore and the essential content of the existing rules, and compare. LEGAL RES is updated regularly.

The use of this website is free .

Friday, October 16, 2009

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16: € Solar

Solar is the European Association for Solar Energy , chaired by the German winner of the Alternative Nobel Prize Hermann Scheer. EURO SOLAR developed and stimulated political and economic action plans and concepts for the introduction of renewable energies, which range from marketing strategies to proposals for further research and development policy of fiscal subsidies to defense conversion by solar energy, the contribution of solar energy for the developing world to the agricultural -, transport and construction policy.

the various features you can find the Statements from all German and European Solar Prize winners - by which access is possible on many significant individual projects.

Friday, October 2, 2009

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15 : solar module recycling

PV CYCLE was founded in July 2007 by companies in the photovoltaic industry, a set up voluntary take-back and recycling program for old implement and thus the promise of the industry's overall sustainability. Thereby accepting responsibility for industrial solar panels along the entire value chain.

PV modules are designed to produce more than 25 years clean, renewable energy . is the first major installations in the early nineties, but to comprehensive recycling of products at the end of their life cycle are probably still take 10 to 15 years.

Nevertheless, the PV industry has been working on it now, to create truly sustainable energy solutions that address the impacts on the environment in all stages of product life cycle - from raw materials to take back and recycling. Although the PV industry is very young, leading manufacturers rely on the concept of producer responsibility: We have joined together to establish a voluntary, industry-wide take-back and recycling program. We future recycling requirements now, and therefore can already offer a truly sustainable energy solution that helps to combat climate change. With PV CYCLE wants the photovoltaic industry - taking into account environmental and economic criteria - Dispose of PV modules optimized and recycle.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

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14: Development Policy Online

Development Online is the leading independent web portal for International Cooperation in the German speaking countries. We bring news, background reports and analysis on development and environment policy issues, focusing on the "South" - the emerging countries of Africa, Asia and Latin America and the Policy of "classical" industrial nations to these countries.

EPO provides news and analysis on issues of international cooperation, as well as press releases from the development community - especially here in Germany. Jobs and blog are also widely established and also for Swiss consumers thought and appropriate. The ideal complement to the CH development sites such as those of the Berne Declaration .

Thursday, September 24, 2009

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13: Energy Future

Switzerland Energy Future: The promoters of energy future Switzerland have a comprehensive know-how you develop, design, construction and operation of forward-looking power plants that produce renewable energy resources. On this solid basis we have access at any time and pass the qualifying knowledge about renewable energy, including geothermal, biomass, wood pellets and power.

RTS developed and organized scholarship on the subject of energy, for example, with the excellent marketing Trophy 2009 Solar Roofs Program "100jetzt". We rely on an active information, customized consulting in addition to close cooperation with professional partners in implementation. RTS offers in this context, the following services :

- building, training and leadership Department of Energy Consulting, respectively. Network including hotline, counseling software, quality management
- Information Event and Event Management
- Media Relations

Thursday, September 17, 2009

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12: Utopia

Utopia , the site for sustainable living: Utopia is the engine of renewal and for all those - consumers and businesses - the place to gather to network with each other and then get started together to steer through the strategic use of the market in a positive direction:

Despite the unmistakably German origin of the site, here are some useful tips to find a sustainable lifestyle to achieve in everyday life.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

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11: Environmental Dialogue

Environmental Dialogue, a magazine and a website on the Coporate Social Responsibility. the term "sustainability" has become an important economic factor . More and more companies are therefore in an economically, environmentally and socially equitable management. The news magazine Umweltdialog fully informed about the topic.

The site offers a good introduction to the international agreements on the subject, such as the UN Global Compact agreement to .

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

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10: Sustainable to the hotel

Ecohotel: "Based on the print version of the other hotel leader, "the portrait of 56 companies, here are all hard facts available, but without all the wonderful anecdotes from the book.

you cook with organic vegetables from the neighboring farm build with wood from the forest community, with solar energy heating and are a few exceptions, even for people without cars easily accessible. There are many ways of running an environmentally friendly hotel: The spectrum in this book ranges from the ultra-modern conference hotel on the simple family up to the hostel equipped with simple beds Genossenschaftsbeiz.

The number of environmentally friendly hotels is constantly increasing. is not without Impact on the 4th Edition of the Guide are other proven: It contains 17 new treasures from all over Switzerland, and of course, is also the already-known companies the time has not stood still. New stories and tips support the updated practical information.

Monday, September 7, 2009

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9: Current electricity prices

The Electricity Commission ElCom makes it possible: Since the end of August 2009 are known electricity prices for 2010 . From now on, consumers have their electricity rates for 2009 and 2010 on the new website of the electricity price ElCom and get on a card with the rates in other communities . Compare

ElCom is the new "price watchdog" in the electricity sector. The Commission may prohibit unjustified increases in electricity prices or cut retroactive to high prices. Such decisions shall be adopted by Order. For small consumers, who until 2014 the option of choosing their electricity supplier, ElCom supervises the electricity tariff, ie all the current tariff. The electricity supply companies must show on your electricity bill separately, as are the costs for the energy use of the electricity network and any applicable taxes and fees.

large consumers (with a consumption of more than 100 MWh / year) can freely choose their electricity supplier from 1.1.2009. But then the electricity tariff is reviewed by ElCom not more so as the consumer has the choice to switch at a high price to the vendor again. ElCom checked but still the network usage charges of all providers. On the website of the price monitoring, the various regional electricity prices for different consumer categories are compared.

ElCom either on its own initiative (ex officio) or active in response to reports or complaints. Those who believed unreasonably high prices can report them via the contact form ElCom.

Monday, August 31, 2009

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8: Air rescuers is an independent online magazine - it offers everything you know on climate protection : Current news and background analysis, debates and controversies, behavior tips and information on political campaigns. One thing is already clear: Climate change is coming sooner and faster and stronger than expected a few years ago - with a few energy-saving light bulbs but the world can not be saved. Founded

the portal was in the spring of 2007 by the journalist Nick Reimer (taz), Toralf Staud (TIME / Greenpeace) named it after her book "We Klimaretter. Thus, the Turning to create even more "(Kiwi). It will be clear and understandable presented projects to the German greenhouse gas emissions can be halved by 2020. The very latest news put a lot of background to the current discussion.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

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7: community level renewable

The information portal "municipal renewable" supports local decision-makers at development of renewable energy on site . Towns and municipalities play a major role in climate protection, because they have a significant influence on the use of renewable energies. Without the commitment at the local level, no climate protection goals are achieved! The

German website gives many ideas on how can go a decentralized structure of a full supply of renewable energy in Switzerland CARRIED. In Germany there are about 100 municipalities meanwhile, who has produced such a full supply already.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

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6: Solar Promotion

The Solarenergieförderverein Germany: All renewable energy are needed. particular importance of decentralized energy production: solar energy to all buildings, wind farms in all regions, particularly inland. Solar heat from solar thermal and solar photovoltaic power plants in the north of the country!

Thurs is the credo of this strong supporter of renewable energy. That as the motto "100 percent renewable energy is possible - energy revolution now!" factor is hardly surprising. The site has many informative articles, the content is missing from Swiss Web publications yet painful in any case. Therefore, the view is worth to the German solar feed-Site forever!

Monday, August 24, 2009

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No 5: Basic Income

The initiative Basic Income: An income everyone needs, no matter what he does and whether it works or not. A unconditional basic income is for the modern political form . Its financing is possible if you so choose. The basic income gives everyone a secure basis for self-determined value within the employment and well beyond.

The unconditional basic income is less reason to not do what a self is the right thing. There is an awareness stage and promotes a more open society on the amount of time. The movement for this unconditional basic income is currently fast spreading across Europe and is well documented on the national websites with basic information, events, a recent blog and helpful links. Who wants it the way, sometimes not digital: The Swiss are initiators in their very attractive cafe in Basel in the "middle companies" at the Gerbergasse 30 found.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

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4: Berne Declaration

The Berne Declaration (BD): It is the independent and politically savvy national institution for development policy. The theme she has devoted herself for more than 30 years, figures such as Regula Renschler, Anne-Marie Holeman, Rudolf Strahm, and more recently Andreas Missbach expressed her to the punch. Was it (the traditional jute bags and coffee from the Ujamaa-BD) Fair trade, the Bank initiative and today the Clean Clothes Campaign for human conditions in the textile production - was always the BD zovorderst there.

Your website makes clear quickly that the BD interpret sustainability in a balanced mind. This is where the social his place, knowing that the world is to improve not only the nature but also for the majority of its residents who have still barely the bare minimum to earn their livelihood. Tip: Press releases and events calendar of the BD-site allow a quick entry into all relevant issues. Who sees thus the issues of sustainability and globalization is closely connected, well served by the Berne Declaration.

Monday, August 17, 2009

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3: - the information portal Sustainable business and politics has a high demand : It would sustainability over climate change and renewable energies . It concerns the whole society, the whole economy and they must understand the policy. Sustainable development means that humanity evolved within the ecological limits of our planet, with a substantial part of the biosphere to the other types is left. Long-term benefits for all must replace short-term profits for a few connect.

following topics covers the site:
- Nature & Agriculture
- People & Society
- energy & carbon dioxide
- Town Planning & Building
- Materials & Products
- mobility and logistics

However, like in other cases - so far - the comprehensive claim with respect Nachahltigkeit especially in the social and regarding nuclear power is not honored . In the past two months have been just an article on the sports goods manufacturer Adidas and read about the layoffs underwear manufacturer Triumph in Thailand and the Philippines as a critical social reporting. And regarding nuclear power fell lately, especially a nuclear-friendly interview with the ETH-nuclear professor Horst-Michael Prasser on (as of 22/07/2009) . It provides the benefits of renewable energy sources do not deny that nuclear power but looks at eye level. So effectively is the website

Saturday, August 15, 2009

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2: Practical Environmental Protection

Practical Environmental Protection Switzerland: The Foundation is Practical Environmental Protection in Switzerland Pusch is promoting healthy and liveable environment . It organizes courses, seminars and environmental education in schools, published brochures and newsletters, launched days of action, provides assistance for purchasing green products and strategies designed to protect the environment of tomorrow.

The journal "issue environment" , the newsletter "New to resources, Consumption and the environment "and the French-language magazine Forum Déchets" Pusch informed about current environmental issues. Brochures and leaflets containing useful tips on environmental protection in everyday life.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

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No. 1: The sunny side

WWW.SONNENSEITE.COM is the reference page for sustainability on the Internet and is far beyond questions about solar . Operated by the German journalist Franz Alt pair Bigi and good for them daily news from all areas of sustainability.

Special: China, Tibet, religious pop up occasionally as themes - and are probably to the close relationship of Franz Alt with the Dalai Lama. News is also available in English and references to items in the electronic media complement the brilliant offer. should

Thursday, August 6, 2009

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links with content

"Better World Media" are in German-speaking THE link collection to become familiar with all the familiar initiatives to make the familiar to a (much needed) to improve the situation in the world.

With the keyword search (see top right column), it is possible to quickly search any time to a desired subject area or even a single word or name and track down the already scheduled links. On the list of labels (see also right) are important Categories of links can be controlled such as "Energy".

And here for testing, the first clue - my favorite blog - to those solar Media, the way to the solar world economy . However, it is possible for now not to upload the screenshot of solar Media - as it went again with the ppt.Dateien, but where is it?

subject to the descriptions of the links are all copyrighted better world media / Guntram Rehsche.