4: Berne Declaration
The Berne Declaration (BD): It is the independent and politically savvy national institution for development policy. The theme she has devoted herself for more than 30 years, figures such as Regula Renschler, Anne-Marie Holeman, Rudolf Strahm, and more recently Andreas Missbach expressed her to the punch. Was it (the traditional jute bags and coffee from the Ujamaa-BD) Fair trade, the Bank initiative and today the Clean Clothes Campaign for human conditions in the textile production - was always the BD zovorderst there.
Your website makes clear quickly that the BD interpret sustainability in a balanced mind. This is where the social his place, knowing that the world is to improve not only the nature but also for the majority of its residents who have still barely the bare minimum to earn their livelihood. Tip: Press releases and events calendar of the BD-site allow a quick entry into all relevant issues. Who sees thus the issues of sustainability and globalization is closely connected, well served by the Berne Declaration.
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