Tuesday, September 29, 2009

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14: Development Policy Online

Development Online is the leading independent web portal for International Cooperation in the German speaking countries. We bring news, background reports and analysis on development and environment policy issues, focusing on the "South" - the emerging countries of Africa, Asia and Latin America and the Policy of "classical" industrial nations to these countries.

EPO provides news and analysis on issues of international cooperation, as well as press releases from the development community - especially here in Germany. Jobs and blog are also widely established and also for Swiss consumers thought and appropriate. The ideal complement to the CH development sites such as those of the Berne Declaration .

Thursday, September 24, 2009

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13: Energy Future

Switzerland Energy Future: The promoters of energy future Switzerland have a comprehensive know-how you develop, design, construction and operation of forward-looking power plants that produce renewable energy resources. On this solid basis we have access at any time and pass the qualifying knowledge about renewable energy, including geothermal, biomass, wood pellets and power.

RTS developed and organized scholarship on the subject of energy, for example, with the excellent marketing Trophy 2009 Solar Roofs Program "100jetzt". We rely on an active information, customized consulting in addition to close cooperation with professional partners in implementation. RTS offers in this context, the following services :

- building, training and leadership Department of Energy Consulting, respectively. Network including hotline, counseling software, quality management
- Information Event and Event Management
- Media Relations

Thursday, September 17, 2009

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12: Utopia

Utopia , the site for sustainable living: Utopia is the engine of renewal and for all those - consumers and businesses - the place to gather to network with each other and then get started together to steer through the strategic use of the market in a positive direction:

Despite the unmistakably German origin of the site, here are some useful tips to find a sustainable lifestyle to achieve in everyday life.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

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11: Environmental Dialogue

Environmental Dialogue, a magazine and a website on the Coporate Social Responsibility. the term "sustainability" has become an important economic factor . More and more companies are therefore in an economically, environmentally and socially equitable management. The news magazine Umweltdialog fully informed about the topic.

The site offers a good introduction to the international agreements on the subject, such as the UN Global Compact agreement to .

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

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10: Sustainable to the hotel

Ecohotel: "Based on the print version of the other hotel leader, "the portrait of 56 companies, here are all hard facts available, but without all the wonderful anecdotes from the book.

you cook with organic vegetables from the neighboring farm build with wood from the forest community, with solar energy heating and are a few exceptions, even for people without cars easily accessible. There are many ways of running an environmentally friendly hotel: The spectrum in this book ranges from the ultra-modern conference hotel on the simple family up to the hostel equipped with simple beds Genossenschaftsbeiz.

The number of environmentally friendly hotels is constantly increasing. is not without Impact on the 4th Edition of the Guide are other proven: It contains 17 new treasures from all over Switzerland, and of course, is also the already-known companies the time has not stood still. New stories and tips support the updated practical information.

Monday, September 7, 2009

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9: Current electricity prices

The Electricity Commission ElCom makes it possible: Since the end of August 2009 are known electricity prices for 2010 . From now on, consumers have their electricity rates for 2009 and 2010 on the new website of the electricity price ElCom and get on a card with the rates in other communities . Compare

ElCom is the new "price watchdog" in the electricity sector. The Commission may prohibit unjustified increases in electricity prices or cut retroactive to high prices. Such decisions shall be adopted by Order. For small consumers, who until 2014 the option of choosing their electricity supplier, ElCom supervises the electricity tariff, ie all the current tariff. The electricity supply companies must show on your electricity bill separately, as are the costs for the energy use of the electricity network and any applicable taxes and fees.

large consumers (with a consumption of more than 100 MWh / year) can freely choose their electricity supplier from 1.1.2009. But then the electricity tariff is reviewed by ElCom not more so as the consumer has the choice to switch at a high price to the vendor again. ElCom checked but still the network usage charges of all providers. On the website of the price monitoring, the various regional electricity prices for different consumer categories are compared.

ElCom either on its own initiative (ex officio) or active in response to reports or complaints. Those who believed unreasonably high prices can report them via the contact form ElCom.